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Sarah Best is a double major in journalism and sociology and is in her second and last year at Valley with plans to transfer in the fall. Starting as a staff writer, this is her second semester writing for the newspaper and first semester as News Editor. She has covered stories in various categories like news, opinion, and Valley-centric articles. Sarah regularly contributes to the “Valley View” section of the newspaper that entails going around campus and asking the opinion of students as it relates to an upcoming story. The 19 year old will be graduating in spring with 3 AA degrees in journalism, sociology, and General Studies with an emphasis in Behavioral Science. 


The California native originally intended to major in Child Psychology, but quickly switched to journalism after watching a documentary about the Charlottesville riots and admired the reporter’s ability to be on the front lines amidst all the action. Sarah is passionate about writing and tutors and mentors high school students in essay-writing and English comprehension when she is not writing for The Valley Star. 




My Writing

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