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Valley View: Freshmen

Question: What advice do you have for incoming freshman?

Text and Photos by Mickie Shaw, Multimedia Editor

“Actually go to class.” — Brandon Ong, 25, Biology

“Do your homework, so you can keep up.” — Tassie Chino, 25, Humanities

“[You] can’t be too early for school.” — Isaiah Lopez, 19, Undecided

“It’s cheaper to buy your books online or rent them.” — Hector Santos, 20, General Studies

“Join clubs, meet people you can study with, and set your priorities.” — Sky Medrano, 21, Early Childhood Education

“Take advantage of resources like counseling, the resource center and tutors.” — Brittany Lewis, 24, Art

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions, don’t worry about getting lost and always do the readings." — Kailee Groveman, 23, Liberal Studies


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